Looking for a good school fundraiser? Cookie dough sales are an easy moneymaker. What is a cookie dough fundraiser? The basic concept is the same as all order taker fundraisers. You equip your sellers with a brochure, an order form, and a basic sales script.
Your group does catalogue sales of a three-pound tub of cookie dough. The average retail price is $10 per three-pound tub. The dough comes in a wide variety of flavours, including some that are sugar-free.
Some suppliers are now offering the dough in pre-sliced packages to further simplify the baking process.
Others are offering it in a dry mix that doesn’t need to be refrigerated. All you do is add water, mix by hand, and have your cookie dough ready for baking.
Most fundraising companies offer the three-pound tubs of cookie dough at a 40%-50% discount. Some suppliers also offer a larger four-pound tub for slightly more.
The cookie dough needs to be refrigerated, so this fundraiser requires a little more delivery preparation. Kids like selling this because it’s something that they enjoy themselves.
The average seller makes ten sales or approximately $100 in revenue. That translates to roughly $50 in profit per seller, which is quite good.
Factors affecting your cookie dough fundraiser profitability include freight charges, quantity discounts, quality of the brochure, number of available cookie dough choices, and the need to keep the dough refrigerated.
This product works well for both elementary school and high school fundraising.
Larger groups can easily earn a quantity discount above 50%. As always, do an RFQ fax quote to the supplier list and get your best possible discount upfront.
Sales Tips
Here’s what they need to do to sell:
1 – Smile, use their name in the greeting, and introduce yourself
2 – Use the power of “because” (give a reason why)
3 – Ask for their help (ask for the order)
4 – Make eye contact and suggest a favourite
Example sales script: (Keep it short & sweet)
“Hi, Mrs Johnson! (Smile & make eye contact)
I’m Jimmy Roberts from down the street. (Hand over sales flyer with large bold print)
Our school is doing a cookie dough fundraiser because we need new computers.
Can you help us out with a $10 contribution? That gets you a three-pound tub of cookie dough. My favourite is the chocolate chip, but peanut butter is really popular too!”
(Pause and wait for a response)
The important points are to smile, use a sales flyer, use the word ‘because’ ask for their help, and suggest an order size, then wait for a response.
Each prospect has a potential dollar value to your organization. Don’t waste prospects by not being prepared. Make sure all your sellers know what to say and how to say it.
By using a tried and true fundraiser, you are using a proven method for your team’s fundraising success.
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